By donating to Glocal Ventures, Inc. (GVI) you can help us make an impact in Vietnam. We rely on your generous support to bring forth transformation in communities and help those in need. There are a variety of ways to give to GVI.

Online Donations
We accept online donations through a secure interface. Simply CLICK HERE and follow the steps. You can also set up recurring donations!

Donations by Mail
We also accept checks made payable to Glocal Ventures, Inc. 
Mail to: 1870 Rufe Snow Drive, Keller, Texas

In-Kind Donations
We are always looking for a variety of in-kind donations. If you have something that you are looking to donate, or if you work for an organization that would be willing to donate materials or services, we would love to talk to you! 

Matching Contributions
Many organizations will match their employee contributions to charities of their choice. Glocal Ventures, Inc. may qualify for many corporate matching fund plans. Please contact us so that we can help you complete the necessary forms.

United Way or Employee Giving Campaign Deductions
If your organization participates in United Way contribution drives or an Employee Giving Campaign, you can select Glocal Ventures, Inc. to be the recipient of your contribution. Simply add Glocal Ventures, Inc. as the charitable organization recipient by using the following information or contact us for assistance:
Glocal Ventures, Inc., 1870 Rufe Snow Drive, Keller, Texas 76248

Legacy and Planned Gifts
We would be humbled to work with you to leave a legacy gift or a planned gift from your estate. Planned giving through life insurance policies, wills, and charitable remainder trusts is a great way to invest in the future after you’ve gone home. Please contact contact us for more information. We will work with our external auditors and other foundations to provide you the best possible means of leaving a legacy or planned gift.

What is a Donor Advised Fund?
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to Glocal Ventures, directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF’s sponsoring organization is participating).

Glocal Ventures, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable not-for-profit organization. Financial statements are available by request. Please contact Uyen Holdeman at uyenholdeman@glocalventures.org or at 817-656-5136 with questions or for more information.